Getting Plated on a Monday

Today we reached a new height of “platedness” 😉. It’s always a big gamble to start that many parts at once: a failure in any one during the run will often doom the entire run and all the plastic that was used up to that point 🙁. So, this plate with 32 parts was a bit worrying, but it’s almost done, and flawless is the conclusion. Red ABS seems to be less stringy than white, but has a very high “stickiness”. It does exceptionally well on the first layer, and so far all the others after it. Wish I could …

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Now that’s better! Packaging is solved.

I think I like this packaging style a LOT more. Only one piece of 28# copy paper (no cardboard, no plastic blister-pack) that holds the retail labeling and the instructions, and a shrink-wrap bag holding it all flat and together. Niiiice! Let’s see….$11.99 for 200 bags, or $0.06 each, and a print costs about $0.06…so instead of way over $1 each, it’s more like a dime. Yeah, that works for me . And, they’re actually smaller, so will still fit in the flat-rate mailer envelope/boxes with no problem. Cheers, Rando    

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More Packaging Progress…but still not there.

After a quick trip to Staples for some prints on card stock for the sleeve, and turning my old Weller soldering iron into a heat-shrink bag sealer, the four made it through. Yes, the first was packaged four times total and I think I left an extra piece of cardboard/plastic in that one, but hey…first article! Yes indeed! Packaging is a tentative “go”. These will be shipped, 4 in a single flat-rate mailer envelope, to the first customer. This is actually his second shipment, as I first sent him some prototypes to try out. They almost worked, and these will …

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Making a Banner Image

More “studio reality”, aka “why PEOPLE refuse to sit for Thom’s photos…” This is the last image in a series of nearly 130 exposures trying to get that one shot that can go on the end-flap of the wrap-around labeling for the product. The cropped image at bottom is the result. Zoom in and notice edge-to-edge tack sharp focus, especially as it relates to the visible air between the arms of the two end pieces. Heh Heh. (Technical) Photo geeks rock! Regards, Rando

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So…you say you’re a photographer, eh?

When someone says “I can take pro-level product-ad photos with my iPhone”, and I smile politely and tell them “I’m sure you can.” Yeah, this is how we do it for reals. Note the camera is literally overhead, 180mm macro set at f20 for tack-sharp 24MPixel images. Click through the images here and below, and prepare to be amazed. You might be wondering why you can’t you see those (horrendous) red walls in the reflections of other photos. It’s because the strobes are throwing about 400 watt-seconds (Ws) of light at the table, completely swamping any light coming from external …

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flatBack Luvin’ on a Monday Mornin’

Almost forgot to say anything 😉. These are two flatBack versions that can be double-sided taped to surfaces, and will come in a pack of three large and six small, so three SKUs per bed here. This is 3 x $29.99 ($89.97 totalat MSRP), and comes off the printer every 2h20m. It consumes 3 x 48g of plastic, and only has 0.017 grams of waste. I can live with that. Regards, Rando

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A Little Research into “The Next Big Thing”

Next up is proof of concept for Next Thing. Keep up, because this is cool! Imagine you’re a wired system installer (alarm, network, surveillance, automation, lighting, radio, audio) dealing with too many cables snaking across your wiring panel. You could do the normal, put a bunch of wire-tie holders on the board, then repeatedly close and cut and replace ties until the final configuration is set. Or,…. Instead, you visit the web site (placeholder now), sign into your account, and use the graphical interface to configure customized wiring harness holders. You select double-stick foam backs for some, screw-hole backs …

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What’s this? A whole ‘nother product LINE?

You know how absolutely nobody uses those steel-tube racks for things like restaurants and various equipment stuff, in kitchens and apartments? Yeah, nobody. Not a one. Not sold in all major hardware stores across the world. Nope. Heck, even I don’t not own one ;-). Couple that with a strange “issue” with 3D printing, that makes my parts actually stick in the grooves VERY strongly, and that seems a sure sign of possible positive outcome. Hmmm. Yup. Dang…another market ripe for entry. The yellow marks on those parts mean “defective”…but not for this use! (Snicker Snicker, Chortle Chortle) Regards, Rando

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