How much can 4CELNK-YR flatBack Clips Hold?

The cable area for the small 4CELNK-YR flatBack clips is designed to hold about 4-5 typical “SVT” power cords (UL-Type SVT, 3C/18AWG 300V, ~6mm in diameter), but as you can see, when you get them in there, it will hold 8-ish.

Are you SERIOUS?

The cable area for the large flatBack clips is, well, BIG. It was partially designed for those cases where there’s just a mass of cables, and you’d rather get them restrained now, and deal with the organization later. If you do plan to put that many in, be sure you don’t overload whatEVER adhesive you’ve got in use. That and use lots of clips. Yeah…use lots of 4CELNK-YR clips!

This large capacity flatBack clip is easily holding: 9 SVTs, 4 high-end Speaker cables, and four “data” cables. If after all that cap-a-city, you still need more, the next step up is to put multiple clips, giving multiple separate wiring “channels.”