I think this might just work!

TL/DR: Presenting 2018-027 4CELNK-YR Gaming-specific Wire Retention Device. Wow…feels like it’s been too many days since I’ve shown anything new and fun. Okay, so here goes. New product, this one with possible legs. You all probably know the 4CELNK-branded brackets I sell. Well, one of those customers asked me to solve a problem they have: the only one making custom wire-retention devices is gouging them, and the product isn’t very good. Can Thom please make a better one? Well heck yeah! This little beauty can hold four power cords in the “permanent” area, and then another EIGHT (SJT) power cords …

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Hire a robot, obviate a job?

What if I told you it’s possible to get on the other side of “finding a job” by hiring a robot? Okay, that sounds weird. But, hear me out. Reality has it that jobs are being replaced by robots of various forms, for good and bad. Regardless of the rates of change, some jobs are being replaced by robots. Well, what if those people turned around and then found ways to also use robots to their economic advantage? Surely at least some of them would beg, borrow or steal that technology to leverage to their advantage, right? Cheers! Rando

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In the beginning…

From this humble beginning, a small hunk of plastic with one broken part, almost fully delaminated from insufficiently-robust stress testing ( 😉 ), I give you: 2018-027 Rando’s Sim Rigging This will be a new line of 3D printed flexible, simple, really cool wire-management brackets for sim-racing rigs. As a promo, I might provide one or two with my 4CELNK brackets, to test the waters. But, if one can be made in <10 minutes, and they can be sold in a set of six for $30 (don’t laugh…people pay me $59 for a machined piece of aluminum angle), and these …

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