And the winner of “first one to get Paypal to put something in a cart properly” (from the new site) is….”Barry Shellgren”, of Somewhere in Warshington! (Thanks, Barry
Well Barry, sure hope you ordered this one! That final verification of buttons to SKU and pricing hasn’t been done quite yet, so I’m not making any guarantees. Hopefully the probability of my mistake is less than that of the doctors I’ve been working with lately, but that’s a different story….
For me, the nice part is that packaging in this form, with the parts and folded instruction sheet inside a shrink-wrap bag is WAY easy. Even with trimming the bag and getting the parts all aligned, we’re talking less than a minute if I have more than a couple to do. And, without any cardboard inserts or expensive printing or die-cutting, this works. The wrap goes down to a thin blister-pack, not the soft wraps like you’d find on, say, meat in the store. That little gem will easily fit 6 if not 8 to a standard flat-rate mailing envelope.
So, the site is still WAY under construction, and there’s only really ONE page that has nearly-full information. But, apparently PayPal is happy to let you buy my inventory. And, I do have quite a bit of inventory.